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ADRE Grade 3 Salary 2024 | Check In-Hand Salary & Allowances

Assam Grade 3 Salary ranges from Rs 14,000 to Rs 60,500 per month, plus the Assam 3rd Grade 3 salary structure includes Pay Band, Grade Pay, Pay Scale, Dearness Allowances (DA), House Rent Allowances (HRA), Medical Allowances (MA), National Pension Scheme (NPS), Group Insurance Scheme (GIS), Professional Tax (PT) and others.

Exam NameADRE Exam 2024 (ADRE 2.0)
OrganizationSLRC, Govt of Assam
Exam Conducting BodySEBA
Post NameGrade 3
Pay ScaleRs. 14,000 to Rs 70,000/-
Basic PayRs. 14,000/-
Grade PayRs. 5200 | Rs. 6200 | Rs 7600 | Rs. 8700
Dearness Allowances (DA)53% of Pay Scale
House Rent Allowances (HRA)– 7% for Rural Area
– 8% for Sub Division
– 10% for Urban Area
Medical Allowances (MA)Rs. 600
NPS Deduction10% of Pay Scale
GIS DeductionRs. 200 Per Month
Professional TaxRs. 208 Per Month
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Assam Direct Recruitment Grade 3 Salary 2024

3rd Grade Salary in Assam

ADRE Salary Grade 3
3rd Grade Job Salary in Assam


The Assam Direct Recruitment Examination (ADRE) for Grade 3 positions offers candidates the opportunity to work in various departments under the Government of Assam. The salary for Garde 3 post in Assam government departments follows the pay matrix as per the Assam Service Rules.

The ADRE Pay Scale can vary depending on the specific role and departments to which the candidates is appointed. The general pay range of grade 3 positions is Basic Pay: Rs. 14,000 to 70,000 per month and Grade Pay: Rs. 5,200 to 8,700 per month.

In the current ADRE Grade 3 Recruitment, there are different posts from different departments under the Govt of Assam. All the grade 3 post have different qualification requirement like 10th pass, 12th pass, and Graduate. Basis on the qualification and the job profile, the grade pay will be different. There are 4 types of grade pay for the grade III salaried employees in Assam.

  1. Grade Pay = Rs. 5200/-
  2. Grade Pay = Rs. 6200/-
  3. Grade Pay = Rs. 7600/-
  4. Grade Pay = Rs. 8700/-

The Pay Band of this Grade Pay are same, in the range of Rs. 14000 to 70,000/-.

ADRE Grade 3 Salary with Grade Pay 5200 | Grade III Salary in Assam

Grade 3 Salary in Assam: For the Assam grade 3 job salary, the pay band is usually in the range of Rs.14,000 to 70,000. If the grade pay is Rs. 5200, then in that case, what will be the gross salary, net salary, deduction and other details.

Assam Grade 3 Salary of Grade Pay Rs. 5200 Break-up

Pay Band = 14,000 to 70,000/-
Grade Pay = 5200/-
Pay Scale = 14000+5200 = 19,200/-


  1. DA (53%) of Pay Scale = 19,200 x 53% = 10,176/-
  2. HRA (7%) of Pay Scale = 1,344/-
  3. Medical Allowance (MA) = 600/-

* Gross Salary = Pay Scale + DA + HRA + MA = 31,320/-


  1. National Pension Scheme – NPS (10%) of Pay Scale = 1,920/-
  2. Group Insurance (GIS) = 200/-
  3. Professional Tax (PT) = 208/-

* Net Salary = Gross Salary – NPS – GIS – PT = 28,992/-

  • If the Grade Pay is Rs. 5200/-, then the gross salary of the Grade 3 job in Assam is Rs. 31,320/- and the Net Income (In Hand Salary) will be Rs. 28,992/-.

ADRE Grade 3 Salary with Grade Pay 6200 | Grade III Salary in Assam

Grade 3 Salary in Assam: For the Assam grade 3 job salary, the pay band is usually in the range of Rs. 14,000 to 70,000. If the grade pay is Rs. 6200, then in that case, what will be the gross salary, net salary, deduction and other details.

Assam Grade 3 Salary of Grade Pay Rs. 6200 Break-up

Pay Band = 14000 to 70,000/-
Grade Pay = 6200/-
Pay Scale = 14000+6200 = 20,200/-


  1. DA (53%) of Pay Scale = 20,200 x 53% = 10,706/-
  2. HRA (7%) of Pay Scale = 1,414/-
  3. Medical Allowance (MA) = 600/-

* Gross Salary = Pay Scale + DA + HRA + MA = 32,920/-


  1. National Pension Scheme – NPS (10%) of Pay Scale = 2,020/-
  2. Group Insurance (GIS) = 200/-
  3. Professional Tax (PT) = 208/-

* Net Salary = Gross Salary – NPS – GIS – PT = 30,492/-

  • If the Grade Pay is Rs. 6200/-, then the gross salary of the grade 3 job in Assam is Rs. 32,920/- and the net income (in hand salary) will be Rs. 30,492/-.

ADRE Grade 3 Salary with Grade Pay 7600 | Grade III Salary in Assam

Grade 3 Salary in Assam: For the Assam grade 3 job salary, the pay band is usually in the range of Rs. 14,000 to 70,000. If the grade pay is Rs. 7600, then in that case, what will be the gross salary, net salary, deduction and other details.

Assam Grade 3 Salary of Grade Pay Rs. 7600 Break-up

Pay Band = 14000 to 70,000/-
Grade Pay = 7600/-
Pay Scale = 14000+7600 = 21,600/-


  1. DA (53%) of Pay Scale = 21,600 x 53% = 11,448/-
  2. HRA (7%) of Pay Scale = 1512/-
  3. Medical Allowance (MA) = 600/-

* Gross Salary = Pay Scale + DA + HRA + MA = 35,160/-


  1. National Pension Scheme – NPS (10%) of Pay Scale = 2160/-
  2. Group Insurance (GIS) = 200/-
  3. Professional Tax (PT) = 208/-

* Net Salary = Gross Salary – NPS – GIS – PT = 32,592/-

  • If the Grade Pay is Rs. 7600/-, then the gross salary of the grade 3 job in Assam is Rs. 35,160/- and the net income (in hand salary) will be Rs. 32,592/-.

ADRE Grade 3 Salary with Grade Pay 8700 | Grade III Salary in Assam

Grade 3 Salary in Assam: For the Assam grade 3 job salary, the pay band is usually in the range of Rs. 14,000 to 70,000. If the grade pay is Rs. 8700, then in that case, what will be the gross salary, net salary, deduction and other details.

Assam Grade 3 Salary of Grade Pay Rs. 8700 Break-up

Pay Band = 14000 to 70,000/-
Grade Pay = 8700/-
Pay Scale = 14000+8700 = 22,700/-


  1. DA (53%) of Pay Scale = 22,700 x 53% = 12,031/-
  2. HRA (7%) of Pay Scale = 1589/-
  3. Medical Allowance (MA) = 600/-

* Gross Salary = Pay Scale + DA + HRA + MA = 36,920/-


  1. National Pension Scheme – NPS (10%) of Pay Scale = 2,270/-
  2. Group Insurance (GIS) = 200/-
  3. Professional Tax (PT) = 208/-

* Net Salary = Gross Salary – NPS – GIS – PT = 34,242/-

  • If the Grade Pay is Rs. 8700/-, then the gross salary of the grade 3 job in Assam is Rs. 36,920/- and the net income (in hand salary) will be Rs. 34,242/-.

Important Links

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1. What is the Salary of 3rd Grade Job in Assam?

The 3rd Grade Job in Assam salary typically ranges from Rs 14,000 to 60,500 per month, with a grade pay between Rs. 5,600 and 8,700 depending on the specific post and department. The actual salary may vary depending on factors such as the job profile and allowances provide by the government.

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